Hey blog lovers we are back on our hols! Its been a long 4 months since our trip to Copenhagen but we are back destroying the environment with a trip to Bilbao. This is actually a present from my parents and my sister Nikki, for Karen’s birthday. If you remember last September we all went […]

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In our guidebook there were a lot of things not to do in Copenhagen. Walk into cycle lanes, complement the Swedes too much (see yesterdays blog) and jay walk. Jaywalking is not illegal like it is in some states in America, but they are very code compliant here. And you stray into a cycle lane […]

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The Danes really do like their chairs. I mean they are seriously obsessed. In our apartment there are pictures of chairs on the walls; in the shops you can buy mini models of chairs and get this, at the the table where I sit and do my blogging in our apartment, you guessed it, there’s […]

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After arriving in Copenhagen and checking into our accomodation, the next thing we needed was food. A place that had been recommended to Karen (and our host confirmed this) was a place called Paper Island. My immediate thought was paper mache island, so like the Tracey Island which Anthea Turner made all those years ago […]

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So the journey began this morning at 4:30. We were so worried about over sleeping we set 3 alarms, 2 using alarm clocks we have never used before, so we then spent 5 minutes working out how to turn them off. By 4:45 we were in the car and off to the airport. Luckily, Storm […]

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It’s been a long 3 months since our last holiday (ok, 12 weeks to be precise).  Work has been a bit thin on the ground (graphene thin) so my longest journey lately has been to Ormskirk Market (0.7 miles) so I am getting itchy feet to travel somewhere.  I have been getting my travel fix […]

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