Here we go again….
Just over 48 hours until the current Mrs Fenner and myself head off on our next big adventure. This time we are interrailing around Europe. Now most people think that interrailing is for students racing around Europe, sleeping in train stations and trying to get as many countries under their belt before their pass runs out. Yeah, right, like I’m going to do that. “Slumming it” to me means not having a mini bar in my room. No this is interrailing for the middle aged and middle classed.
We have an itinerary (that’s how grown up we are!), we have accommodation booked, we have most of our travel booked, we are travelling First Class…and we have cake forks. Sorry, did I forget to tell you, this is a “Cakeation”. One thing Europe does better then anywhere else in the world are cakes. So we plan to try a local cake a day (well until my shorts won’t fit me at least). I will report back on my cake findings here (suggestions for cakes to try are also gladly received).
So the plan is that we fly to Amsterdam on Monday morning, just in time for breakfast and some caramel waffles. We spent a couple of days there, then we get the overnight train to Prague (Deluxe cabin booked of course. None of this couchette stuff. What s a couchette anyway? A small couch? I got an E at O Level for French so I’m not the best person to ask). We spend a few nights in Prague, then onto Vienna, Budapest, fly to Milan, train to Lake Como, Up through the Alps, over a lake to Zurich. Then over another lake to Friedrichshafen, up to Freiburg in the heart of the Black Forest (no idea what cake to have there) and then home via Basel.
Over the course of 3 weeks we hope to; travel by train, boat, plane, tram, bike, foot and any other form of transport we find; eat cake; go to an Opera; run a 5K (well Karen might. It was a women only race so I couldn’t enter. Doh! Saying that she hasn’t mentioned it recently so she might have forgotten about it); spend the day in a thermal spa, visit an airship museum; yodel and just generally do a lot of touristy type stuff.
Our trip involves 7 countries, at least 7 languages, 4 currencies, 3 planes, 2 boats and at least 8 train journeys. This is the sort of thing that you plan on dark winter nights (we didn’t) and carefully consider all the options (nope, didn’t do that either). It’s not the sort of thing that you start planning a couple of months before you are due to embark on it (ah, now we didn’t start 2 months ago…we only started 6 weeks ago, so there).
Anyway, let’s see how we get on. What’s the worst thing that could happen?